Jan 15, 2008

"Pongal" lO "Pongal"

Wishing all bloggers,my blog visitors,non visitors(future visitors) a very Happy pongal. Well what exactly is the significance of pongal festival.In olden days it was a celebration for farmers at the end of the year when they reap the crops(aruvadai in tamil). But now a days even people in cities urbanize this festival and celebrate. They make a special sweet called "pongal"(made out of milk and jaggery) and do some custom prayers for the prosperity of upcoming future. Next comes the main part of this festival, the special programs telecasted in all popular channels.A review of all new films which are released on this occasion,interviews of some currently popular actors(tho' it is no way related to the festival),telecasting newly released films etc entertain people the whole day. All these tv programs appears to be no way related to the pongal festival but actually it does and means a lot to this festival.Anyways happiness is the one we all want ,no doubt these sort of festivals fill our hearts with joy.

Once again wishing you all a happy day.Have a blast
